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All Target Test Prep plans include
TTP™ GMAT® Quant

Detailed explanations of every quant


TTP™ GMAT® Verbal

Intelligent metrics and error analysis

Insider knowledge of every Verbal question type and trap

400+ instructor-led GMAT® Verbal Videos

Customizable GMAT® Verbal tests

Master Sentence Correction, Critical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension

Score Improvement Guarantee
TTP™ GMAT® – 110-Point Score
Improvement Guarantee
we guarantee it.
What is the TTP™ GMAT® Score Improvement Guarantee?
If Your Official
GMAT® Score is:
*Before using the TTP™ Course

*After completing the TTP™ Course

Your GMAT® Score will increase by at least:
- Up to 560 100 Points Increase Guarantee 100%
- 570 to 640 70 Points Increase Guarantee 100%
- 650 60 Points Increase Guarantee 100%
- 660 50 Points Increase Guarantee 100%
- 670 40 Points Increase Guarantee 100%
- 680 40 Points Increase Guarantee 100%
- 690 30 Points Increase Guarantee 100%
- 700 20 Points Increase Guarantee 100%
640, we guarantee a score increase of at least 70 points. 650 we guarantee a score increase of at least 60 points. 660 we guarantee a score increase of at least
50 points. 670 we guarantee a score increase of at least 40 points. 680 we guarantee a score increase of at least 30 points. 690 we guarantee a score increase
of at least 20 points. 700 or higher we guarantee a score increase of at least 10 points after you complete the TTP™ GMAT® course.
Steps to qualify for the – TTP™ GMAT®
Score Improvement Guarantee

Complete 100% of the
TTP™ GMAT® Course

Provide us with your
GMAT Score
Course, email a copy of either your Official GMAT Score Report or Enhanced Score Report from an official GMAT that was taken prior to your enrollment in the TTP™
GMAT Course to

Send Us Your New
GMAT Score
with a copy of either your new Official GMAT Score
Report or Enhanced Score Report. We must receive this information within 30 days of your GMAT test date
To be eligible for the TTP™ GMAT score improvement guarantee, you must have enrolled in the TTP™ GMAT course on or after October 13, 2021.
If your score has not improved, and you have fulfilled the score improvement guarantee criteria, we will provide a free course subscription equivalent to your previous purchase.
To be eligible for the score improvement guarantee, you must choose the complete TTP™ GMAT Prep Course, which includes both Quant and Verbal study. Students who chose
to study Quant only or Verbal only are not eligible for the TTP™ GMAT score improvement guarantee.
Try us for 5 days
This is the GMAT® prep course you’ve been searching for, but don’t just take our word for it. Try Target Test Prep GMAT® for 5 days and see for yourself why we’re changing the way students prepare for the GMAT®.

When you provide the best GMAT prep in the universe, the guarantee comes with the territory.

You’re a first time English Bridge Prep student, enrolled in a English Bridge Prep GMAT Live Course.

Juliet, +26
Actual English Bridge Prep Student
Everything you need to crush the GMAT
examPAL is built to get you to your highest possible score in just 100-120 hours! You’ll improve by at least 70 points – success guaranteed.
We cover all sections thoroughly: Quantitative, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing Assessment. But we also do something no one else does: our system studies the way you think, so that it finds the solutions which best fit your way of thinking. Instead of just solving thousands of questions with little to no improvement, you’ll always know what to do next in order to improve.
- Introduction to Algebra
- Math terms
- Algebra basics recap
- Arithmetic basics
- Addition basics
- Subtraction basics
- Multiplication basics
- Division basics
- Integers
- Introduction to Integers
- Even and odd
- Digits
- Divisibility
- Zero
- Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Divisible by 2
- Divisible by 3
- Divisible by 4
- Divisible by 5
- Divisible by 6
- Divisible by 8
- Divisible by 9
- Divisible by 11
- Factor
- Prime number
- Prime factors
- Prime factoring
- The factors (or divisors) of an integer
- Greatest Common Factor (or GCF)
- The multiples of an integer
- Least Common Multiple (or LCM)
- Consecutive integers
- Factorial
- Fractions and Percent
- Introduction to Fractions and Percent
- What is a fraction?
- Simple fractions
- Proper fractions
- Improper fractions
- Number line
- Mix numbers
- Adding fractions
- Changing mixed numbers into a fraction
- Adding mix numbers
- Subtracting Fractions
- Changing a mixed number into an improper fraction
- Multiplying Fractions
- Dividing Fractions
- Using Simple Fractions
- Scientific Notation
- Ratio
- Percents as simple fractions
- Percents as decimal fractions
- Word Problems
- Common Percentage/Decimal/Fraction Transformations
- Powers and Roots
- Introduction to Powers and Roots
- Special roots
- Special powers
- The rules of roots
- The rules of powers
- Common roots
- Common powers
- Roots
- Changing roots into powers
- Expressions and Equations
- Introduction to Expression and Equations
- An expression
- Order of Operations
- Simplifying Parentheses
- Rational expressions
- Quadric Equations
- The second method for solving quadric equations
- Systems of equations
- A function
- Inequalities
- Multiplying
- Dividing by a negative value
- Positivity and Negative Numbers
- Introduction to Positivity and Negative Numbers
- Positive number
- Negative number
- Zero
- Number line
- Addition (+)
- Subtraction ( ̶ )
- Multiplication and Division
- Powers
- Root
- Additive Inverse
- Opposite number
- Introduction to Algebra
- Interest
- Introduction to Interest
- Buying and selling products
- Cost price
- Expenses
- Selling price
- Revenue
- Profit
- Loss
- Discount
- Principal
- Simple interest
- Compound interest
- Ratio and Proportions
- Introduction to Ratio and Proportions
- Ratio total
- Ratio
- Proportions
- Rate and Work
- Introduction to Rate and Work problems
- “Distance “
- “Speed”
- “Time”
- A change of time units
- A change of distance or speed units
- Work
- Direct ratio
- Sets
- Introduction to Sets Problems
- Sets
- A sequence
- A linear or arithmetic sequence
- An exponential or geometric sequence
- Counting Methods & Probability
- Introduction to Counting Methods & Probability Problems
- Probability
- Actually counting
- Calculating
- Factorial
- Multiple events
- Choosing objects from different groups
- Choosing objects from the same group
- ”AND” conditions
- ”OR” conditions
- Descriptive Statistics
- Introduction to Descriptive Statistics
- Average
- Arithmetic Mean
- Weighted Average
- Frequency Distribution
- Median
- Mode
- Range
- Standard Deviation
- Variance
- Interest
- Lines and Angles
- Introduction to Lines & Angles
- A plane
- A line
- A line segment
- A ray
- An angle
- Vertex
- A right angle
- An acute angle
- An obtuse angle
- A straight angle
- A whole circle
- A reflex angle
- Intersecting lines
- A perpendicular line
- A bisector
- Parallel lines
- Triangles
- Introduction to Triangles
- External angle
- An acute triangle
- A right triangle
- An obtuse triangle
- An isosceles triangle
- An equilateral triangle
- An angle bisector
- A median
- A height
- Angle bisector
- A perimeter
- Area
- Hypotenuse
- The Pythagorean theorem
- The Isosceles Right Triangle
- The Golden Triangle
- SSS = Side – Side – Side
- SAS = Side – Angle – Side
- ASA = Angle – Side – Angle
- ASS = Angle – Side – Side
- Quadrilaterals
- Introduction to Quadrilaterals
- A quadrilateral
- A diagonal
- A “simple” quadrilateral
- A trapezoid
- Perimeter
- Isosceles trapezoid
- A kite
- Deltoid
- A parallelogram
- A rhombus
- A rectangle
- A square
- Circles
- Introduction to Circles
- Circumference
- A radius
- A chord
- Diameter
- An arc
- A central angle
- An inscribed angle
- An inscribed quadrilateral
- A tangent
- Pi
- The circumference of a circle
- The length of an arc
- The area of a circle
- A sector
- The area of a sector
- Polygons
- Introduction to Polygons
- Internal angle
- External angle
- The sum of the internal angles
- The sum of the external angles
- A regular polygon
- A polygon inscribed in a circle
- When a polygon circumscribes a circle
- Quadrilateral
- Coordinate Geometry
- Introduction to Coordinate Geometry
- Coordinate plane
- Number line
- Quadrants
- Slope
- Slope direction
- Parallel lines
- Perpendicular lines
- An equation
- Y-intercept
- A parabola
- Vertex
- X-intercept
- Solids
- Introduction to Solids
- Volume
- Surface area
- A rectangular solid
- Face
- Edge
- Vertex
- Cube
- A cylinder
- Lines and Angles
- Integrated Reasoning
- Quantitative data
- Critical reasoning
- Compare data
- Follow a development
- Reading Comprehension
- Introduction to Reading Comprehension
- Tell ourselves that we really enjoy it
- Change our perception – we are here on a mission
- Know a little something about everything
- Each sentence is connected in thought to the previous sentence
- The writer emphasizes important facts and ideas by using transitional signals
- Contrast
- Addition
- Cause-and-effect
- Exclusion
- Surprise
- Structure
- Passages are objective
- Critical Reasoning
- Introduction to Critical Reasoning
- Evidence
- One fact
- Two correlative facts
- Through survey or sampling
- Through an experiment
- A conclusion
- An assumption
- An inference
- Weakening
- Strengthening
- Sentence Correction Basics
- Subjects and Verbs in General
- Subject and verb must match in number
- Nouns and pronouns must also match in number
- Choosing the correct form of the verb
- Modifiers
- Parallelism
- Idioms
- Sentence Correction
- Know the rules
- Get some help
- The shortcuts
- Vocabulary and Memorization
- The basics
- Time management
- Studying environment
- Memorization session
- Analytical Writing
- What to criticize?
- Unconvincing
- Our own faulty reasoning
- 1st paragraph – How to open an essay
- 2nd paragraph – Write the best argument
- 3rd paragraph – Write the second-best argument
- 4th paragraph – A third argument (preferably a different angle)
- 5th paragraph – Conclusion
- Structural words
- Paragraph openings
- Within a paragraph
- The question
- Content
- Structure
- Style

TTP™ students earn higher
scores on the GMAT®
Target Test Prep Students
Average reported GMAT® Score
Reported scoring 700 or higher
Average reported Quant Score